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Magician Ah Gan & Poker Face Bro

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Posted on June 15, 2015

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  1. 'Dead wid laugh
    English Translation: Dying with Laughter
    Definition Slang expression normally used when you find something extremely funny and as a result, begin to laugh uncontrollably. It is similar to the English slang expressions 'Laughing My Ass Off'.
    Example Sentences(Patois) Wen him run inna di pole, mi did a dead wid laugh
    (English) When he ran into the pole, I was dying with laughter
  2. 'Nyam
    English Translation: Eat
    Example Sentences(Patois) Mi a guh get sumting fi eat
    (English) I'm going to get something to eat
  3. 'Gyalis
    English Translation: Player
    Definition Slang term for a male who is skilled at seducing women, normally by tricking them into thinking they are the love his life, when in reality, only sexual favours are desired from these women. He manages relationships with multiple women, normally with each woman being oblivious that there are other women in his life. The literal translation for gallis is 'girl-list'
    Example Sentences(Patois) (Patois) Him bruk har heart kaaz shi neva know seh him a gyalis
    (English)He broke her heart because she didn't know that he's a player
  4. 'Unnu
    English Translation: You / All of you
    Example Sentences(Patois) Mi nuh think unnu cyan get fi cum in
    (English) I don't think you all will get to come in
  5. 'A weh yuh a seh?
    English Translation: Really? / Is that so?
    Example Sentences(Patois) Mark: 'Him deh ah di door' – Robin: 'A weh yuh a seh?'
    (English) ) Mark: 'He's at the door' – Robin: 'Really?'
  6. 'My yute
    English Translation: My youth
    Definition Expression use to address a friend or young person.
    Example Sentences(Patois) My yute, yuh wah cum in?
    (English)Friend, do you want to come in?
  7. 'Big man ting
    English Translation: Serious business
    Definition Slang term used to refer to a situation that is adult business; childish behavior is not acceptable
    Example Sentences(Patois) Mi nah ramp, dis a big man ting
    (English) I'm not playing, this is serious business
  8. 'Blouse an skirts
    Definition Slang word, normally use when one is surprise
    Example Sentences(Patois) Blouse an skirts! mi neva si yuh deh suh
    (English) What the hell! I didn't see you there
  9. 'Bun
    English Translation: Cheat
    Definition To be sexually unfaithful to one's partner.
    Example Sentences(Patois) Mary deh bawl cyah John gi har bun
    (English) Mary is crying because John cheated on her
  10. 'Earthstrong
    English Translation: Birthday
    Definition Rastafarian slang expression for birthday
    Example Sentences(Patois) Mi earthstrong a next week
    (English) My birthday is next week
  11. 'Y Pree
    English Translation: What's up
    Definition Slang for asking someone what's going on or what's up.
    Example Sentences(Patois) Y Pree, mi nuh si yuh inna a while?
    (English) What's up, I haven't seen you in a while?
  12. 'Weh yuh deh pon
    English Translation: What are you up?
    Definition Slang expression used to greet a friend. It means 'what are you up to' or 'what are you going to do'
    Example Sentences(Patois) Weh yuh deh pon? Mi deh cum si yuh now
    (English) What are you up? I'm coming to see you now
  13. 'Tallawah
    English Translation: Strong and sturdy.
    Example Sentences(Patois) Wi likkle but wi tallawak
    (English) We're little but we're strong
  14. 'Fiyah bun
    English Translation: Fire burn
    Definition Popular Rastafarian expression used to strongly denounce someone or something.
    Example Sentences(Patois) Fiyah bun all ah di corrupt politicians
    (English) I denounce all of the corrupt politicians
  15. 'Small up yuhself
    English Translation: Make room
    Definition This expression is used when one wants to pass another but the space is inadequate. This chorus is regularly heard in minibuses and taxis
    Example Sentences(Patois) Small up yuhself suh shi cyah cum in
    (English) Make room for her to come in
Magician Ah Gan & Poker Face Bro

Magician A Gan And Poker Face Bro

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